Living Realities – Debate

If you haven´t registred for the Let´s Give Women a Chance and Men an Opportunity Conference, don´t worry. You can still come for the accompanying debate called Living Realities.

More about the debate is here:

Women in the Fight for Oppressed Groups´ Rights – 25 Years Ago and Today

A discussion with prominent Czech and foreign female dissidents and activists.

During this debate, different women from the Czech Republic and Norway will talk about their values and fates, which led them to an active advocating for marginalized groups´ rights, mainly migrants and refugees, but also battered women or children of war, the so-called Lebensborn. They will reveal their personal motivations for fulfilling this mission and what it is about to become a dissident or an oppressed group´s spokeswoman. The debate will also include a comparison of the situation 25 years ago and now. We will also talk about the differences in the position and feelings of women and men belonging to the oppressed groups and what are women´s advantages and vulnerabilities.

The panelists are:
ANNA GRUŠOVÁ, founder of SIMI (previously Counselling Centre for Refugees)
MAGDA FALTOVÁ, current director of SIMI
GERD FLEISCHER, founder of Norwegian partner organisation SEIF and leader in the fight for rights of battered women in Norway

The debate is co-organized by the Association for Integration and Migration.

The event is organized in the project “Migrant Women Among Us”, supported by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust under the ENAR National Projects program and by the European Union within the re-granting cscheme of the LADDER project implemented by ALDA, as well as in the project “Migrantky mezi ženami 2017” financed from the state budget of the Czech Republic in the framework of the subsidy of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic in the field of gender equality and also by the Open Society Fund Prague Foundation within their programme Let´s Give (Wo)men a Chance, supported by Norway grants.

You can find more on Facebook.

Program Dejme (že)nám šanci, spravovaný Nadací OSF, byl ukončen v roce 2017. Web není nadále aktualizován.
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