25 organizations have broadened their horizons due to cooperation with our Norwegian partner.

By far not all foreign methods are suitable to be blindly adopted and transferred into our environment; still, there’s nothing better than trying out the interesting ones and assessing their applicability here. All organisations involved agree that their Norwegian partner has broadened their horizons in many respects and brought new wind to their sails. The Gender Studies organisation is following the Norwegian model in trying to motivate girls and boys to choose non-traditional vocations and eliminate gender stereotypes in career choices while collaborating with both schools and employers. The Homelike project was inspired by a Norwegian model in preparing a programme for women who use their own experience from life on the streets to help other women in similar situations, and it has also taken a focused interest in the health of homeless women

Program Dejme (že)nám šanci, spravovaný Nadací OSF, byl ukončen v roce 2017. Web není nadále aktualizován.
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