Audiovisual production supporting the gender equality not only in schools

Awareness of gender education was initially very low in regional schools. There was a lack of materials that would otherwise provide support in the classroom. Students had no opportunity to participate in gender-sensitive teaching. There was no connection between cultural and educational gender activities.
6 types of teaching materials; 9 seminars for students and teachers (4 beyond the plan); 1 contest for the best screenplay for a film (72 ones received) and the first student film festival on gender;
1 FR campaign to gain the prize for the winner (the best movie).
25 teachers learned how to teach gender in school. 95 students participated in the discussions as authors, volunteers or extras. 50 individuals and 10 companies participated as donors, volunteers, etc. 3 short films on gender and other methodological videos were created. We gained 15.000,- CZK for the winner. We connected the target groups thanks to the partnership cooperation and addressable communication using the AV formats. We continue to make seminars in schools to help maintain the project goals. We are already implementing the “festival echoes”. The sold-out festival was the biggest success.

Organization Centrum Kašpar, o.s.
Topic Equal opportunities


Amount 967 690 CZK
Date of project implementation 01.05.2015 - 30.04.2016
Partners KONSOLA; Filmový klub Liberec
Program Dejme (že)nám šanci, spravovaný Nadací OSF, byl ukončen v roce 2017. Web není nadále aktualizován.
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