This project focused on gender mainstreaming in clusters in the Moravian–Silesian Region. The main goal was to support integration of the issue of gender in the sphere of innovations and boost the innovative potential of clusters by applying gender perspective and practice examples from Norway.
Project outcomes and outputs include three analyses of national and regional strategic documents that assess the scope and application of the gender-sensitive approach, benchmarking with similar Norwegian documents, and knowledge transfer from Norway (Gender in Innovations seminar), three gender audits in three companies (member companies of clusters in the Moravian-Silesian region), and integration of gender perspective in cluster strategies. Awareness of the role of gender in innovations was strengthened by many other outputs: a website, leaflets, an electronic anthology, press releases, etc.
The project has achieved all its goals and had an impact on companies and clusters in the region and entities interested in gender issues throughout the Czech Republic. The long-term sustainability of the project is ensured by incorporating gender perspective in the strategies of clusters. We plan to use the project outcomes in our further educational activities, such as seminars and courses on clusters, innovation and competitiveness, and in preparing other projects.