VRBA Vimperk – Crisis and counseling center for endangered by domestic violence

Before this project, the region of Vimperk had lacked a specialised service focusing on domestic violence, help to people at risk of DV, and prevention-based public awareness. Thanks to this project, a crisis and counselling centre has been created to provide social work, psychotherapy, and education on the issue of domestic violence in the region. A total of 30 clients have used the social services provided in accordance with the Act on Social Services. We organised 13 prevention seminars and created nine various brochures and leaflets. All intended outcomes were implemented according to plan and are freely available on our website. We have been distributing them both at project events and directly (to collaborating organisations, state administration representatives, and others). All materials list contacts to other organisations providing assistance in the region.

The target group encompassed people at risk of domestic violence (clients of social services) and the general public (participants of seminars, promotional-informational events, recipients of information via printed materials). The main benefit of the project stemmed from the assistance provided to persons at risk and the regionally focused information campaign on available help in the Vimperk region. The project has also led to the creation of the contents for prevention seminars that will continue to be held in the future[t1] .


Organization Oblastní spolek ČČK Prachatice
Topic Domestic violence

Česká republika

Amount 999 855 CZK
Date of project implementation 01.05.2015 - 30.04.2016
Website www.cervenykriz.eu/prachatice
Program Dejme (že)nám šanci, spravovaný Nadací OSF, byl ukončen v roce 2017. Web není nadále aktualizován.
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